On this cold Tuesday, I’m wondering, “now what?” If life is
indeed going on, what does it hold for me? I would love to become a
professional writer and speaker. I know that would take the Hand of God to open
doors and figure out how to make that work as a widowed mom of four. I trust
Him to direct my paths.
But in the day-to-day, here at home with children at school,
I tend to hesitate, falter, second-guess. There have been days when this down
time has been my time to heal, to rest, to not have to care for them while
someone else does. I praise God that He’s provided financially so I can do
this. I am still here if they are sick or have a day off school. I'm still able to volunteer with my MOPS group. That is a
miracle I give thanks for often.
I’m someone who feels guilty if I’m not productive. On those
days when there was no motivation to do anything more than toss in a few loads
of laundry, the guilt has crept onto my shoulder. You should be doing something. What makes you think you can just sit
here? Look at this mess. Lazy. These are the taunts I shrink from. They do
not come from friends or family. They are supportive of me taking time to just,
well, be. These taunts come from the father of lies.
Maybe I’m living out a verse I’ve long loved. Psalms 46:10, “Be
still and know that I am God.” The stillness can be time to heal. We understand
that when a bone is broken or sickness assaults us. But when it’s your heart,
your soul, somehow we don’t appreciate the stillness. At least I don’t. Maybe
that’s my “what next.” Until God opens a door or shines a lamp onto my path for
a new direction, maybe being still as I take care of the necessary is what’s
So today I’ll be thankful that I got groceries and ran two
errands. Dinner is in the crockpot and I’m getting writing done. And this
afternoon will again be a crazy Tuesday with school pick-ups and radio station
and bath times and homework and so on. Maybe the stillness in a house that’s
not perfect, but isn’t ready to be condemned either, is a gift. Maybe I will
listen to the words of a song from Sidewalk Prophets, “If there’s a road I
should walk, help me find it. If I need to be still, give me peace for the
moment. Whatever Your will, help me find it.”
Today I’ll pray for God’s peace as I wait for my “what next”
to arrive. And I’ll toss a load of dishes in the dishwasher, for good measure.
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