Since my son, Ryan, is on a gluten-free diet to help with the symptoms of his autism, I have spent a lot of time baking a second version of whatever the rest of us are eating. You see, I love to bake. I don't just like it--I love it! I love creating something comforting and delicious to give to my family and friends. Yes, I know, food is not love. But isn't there something delightful in being able to enjoy something tasty with good company?
I also know that gluten-free diets are two things--1) expensive and 2) a lot of trial and error. Whenever I have made something for the rest of the family, I have had to search for a comparable alternative for Ryan. Some things he doesn't miss. But things like zucchini bread make his mouth water. And really, zucchini bread isn't such a bad treat, what with all the vegetables involved. ;-)

Gluten-Free Zucchini Bread (with regular recipe notation for the non-gluten-free)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
3 eggs
1 c. oil
2 c. sugar
2 c. raw zucchini, shredded (I include the peels and seeds but that's up to you)
2 tsp. vanilla
3 c. Mama's Almond Blend All-Purpose Gluten-Free Flour (or regular all purpose flour)
1 tsp. Xanthan Gum (omit this if doing a regular recipe with regular flour)
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp. baking soda
2 Tbsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. baking powder
Mix well. Pour into 2 loaf pans OR 5 mini-loaf pans sprayed with cooking spray. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour for the loaf pans OR 50 min. for the mini-loaf pans. They are done when a toothpick comes out clean.
NOTE: I usually double this recipe and freeze the extra loaves. They make a great treat to have available when company comes over. And you feel very Martha-Stewart to be able to set out a warm (from thawing in the microwave) loaf of zucchini bread.
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