What began as a possible blog on what great parents we were
in conversing with our kids turned into a lesson in humility and hilarity that
explained a few things. First, now I totally understand why road trips with our
kids give my husband a headache. Second, they talk as much as me. And third,
their thoughts change tracks just as often and as randomly as mine. Pride goes
before a fall, right?
In the hour and 15 minutes we were in the car, here is just
a sampling of the EIGHT pages of notes I took on what was discussed by my four
kids with some help from us. I seriously could not make this up:
- Money: it’s characteristics, who is on it and why, and how to spot the real deal
- The downfall of civilizations through history
- Contributing factors such as rampant sin accepted openly, bloody wars and bloody religious practices, and self-absorbed lifestyles
- Examples including the Greeks, Romans, Aztecs, and more
- The Statue of Liberty: it’s original color and why it changed; who made it and why we got it; and what else the designer is known for (The Eifel Tower)
- A rumored “Wall of Gum” located somewhere in CA
- o Side jokes about some kid getting stuck in it and being removed by crane
- Ryan’s desire to learn to make Sunny Side Up eggs this summer
- A partially overheard conversation between Jarod and Ryan about the history of coffee and its secrets being kept on pain of death.
- The beginning of the State License Plate Game
- What mom’s maiden name is and what that means
- 50s diners and why the one Kati remembers couldn’t be a 90s diner; the differences in design influences of the two decades.
- Why mom stopped working at the jewelry store we passed five years ago
- How the song “Ships in the Night” makes Jarod crave chips
- The difference between tattling vs. telling for 3 yo Lucy’s benefit
- Kati (to mom & dad): You two look like tourists with your sunglasses, shorts, and cool shirts. Jarod: Who’s Doris? Us: TOURISTS not Doris
- The historical significance of Sitting Bull (we passed the cave named after him)
- Several minutes spent on how to pop your ears in an elevator
- How Kati’s friend who lives near our destination has the potential to be a crazy cat lady with 7 cats, 6 dogs, 8 goldfish, and a goat. And how another friend has 18 pets with 2 chinchillas promised her this summer. (No, we’re not getting chinchillas)
- Dream décor in our future dream house in their bedrooms: Kati – rainforest with cheetahs (a side trip on how cheetahs don’t live in rainforests so a change to a leopard); Ryan – a beach; and Jarod’s not sure. No input from Lucy.
- How the current Direct TV and Mayhem commercials are THE best and Jarod’s explanation to all that “a good commercial is not only funny but you remember what its advertising.”
- How badly we need to fix the brakes
- The History of Facebook and Jarod’s prediction that Mark Zuckerberg will one day conquer the world
- Whether or not Lucy actually farted or just made a sound with her lips
- The idea to summon huge eagles a la Lord of the Rings to carry us up Harney Peak
- “Did you flick a booger on me?” “No (giggle)”
- Kraig’s quiet declaration that the kids’ constant talking can almost drive him to swear.
- Why free-climbing the rocks outside Hill City isn’t a safe idea and Why lemmings run off cliffs
- Why Ryan’s water bottle is sweating so badly
- The desperate need for a trash can in our van like my friend, Amber
- Jarod’s Time Travel Bucket List (this was revisited several times) in case a Delorian ever crosses his path:
- Watch the 1st movie, the one with the train that made the audience run out in terror
- Ride a steam engine
- Be there for MLK’s “I have a Dream” speech
- See the Signing of the Declaration of Independence
- See how slow the first car drove
- Watch the transitions between eras/decades
- Dad’s Mad Snacking Skills and Mom’s Mad Snack Stealing Skills
- Jarod: “Hey, I just thought of something really random.” Kraig: “Seriously?! Not YOU!”
- Ryan: What’s kerosene? Kraig explains then asks where that came from. Ryan: The Muppets.
- The historical facts surrounding the signing of the Declaration of Independence and how Mom won a scholarship for giving a speech on it in High School.
- Kati: “Is that a mine shaft or a bomb shelter?” Jarod: “Different eras, Kati.”
- Jarod: I once saw a move on the Cuban missile crisis.
- How the war of 1812 ended months before the final battle, the Battle of New Orleans, took place.
- Why the original actor playing the Tin Man had to quit due to the metal in his make-up nearly killing him.
- Was Michael Jackson in The Wizard of Oz? No, he was in The Wiz.
- Driving Dad crazy chanting, “I think I can” up a steep incline
- “Quite is the opposite of Jarod.” – Kraig
- Pine beetles and their resulting devastation and chaos to the Black Hills
- Lucy: Do braces hurt? Kati: “I’m strong so not that much.”